Here are a few websites that I love to shop at to get a designer look but at a "mommy budget" price:
At Six-Star-Replica, you can get very good quality Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Burrberry, and even Hermes handbags and accessories for a fraction of the cost. I recently got an LV wallet that has fooled everyone. The items do come from overseas and I've never had an issue with my package being stuck in customs.
Many online auctions are opening up on Facebook. From accessories, to baby items, to custom made furniture...Facebook auctions are the new hippest way to shop. Accessory Auctions carry many of the designer inspired accessories you love and prices are often lower than $30. Lots of Tory Burch, MK, J Crew and David Yurman inspired pieces to choose from. And the competition of the auction really gets your adrenaline pumping. :)
Every working girl likes The Limited. They carry great looking suits that don't feel stuffy or boxy. Many of their summer suit collection comes with jackets with short sleeves that are great for blistering hot days and still look so professional. If you sign up for their email notifications, you often get coupons for 50% off regular prices items and you are notified of sales before they start! I don't think I've ever paid full price for anything at The Limited.
I wanted to mention b/c I get many compliments on dresses I wear and you can only find them on Target's website. Target has a large selection of women's dresses that are online only. They also have tons of boots online (of course, this is for Fall) that are not sold in stores. And if you spend over $50 at Target on select items you get free shipping. Target is also teaming up with Neiman Marcus this holiday season. Judith Leiber, Marchesa, Lela Rose, Alice + Olivia, DFV, Marc Jacobs, and many others are designing collections exclusively for Target. Get Ready!! I feel this will attract another Missoni type shopping frenzy. Hopefully, Target will be prepared!!
You can get some really good deals at Rue La La if you subscribe to their online shopping. And its not just clothes...I once got a Cuisinart stir fry pan that retailed for $120 for $30. What a steal!!
Home Goods
LOVE this place...I'm addicted!! If you've ever been to Home Goods then you know what I'm talking about. You find stuff in this store you never even knew you wanted. They have a great baby/kids section to decorate and organize your child's room. I found some beautiful Ralph Lauren down throw pillow for our living room for $20 each! They look great on my couch and I don't have to worry about my child or our dog ruining them up b/c they have a removable cover that I can throw in the machine. And since I didn't spend a ton of money on them its not a big deal if I need to chunk them.
This website reminds me a a Groupon or Living Social type website. The difference is that Plum District was created by moms for moms! It has really great coupons. You have to subscribe and "buy the deal" that you are then receive an emailed voucher to redeem what you've purchased. They have vouchers for 50% anything from spray tans, waxing, home improvements, maid services, even baby sitters. Great for moms!!
There are many many more websites but these are the ones I frequent the most!! Happy Shopping!
Splurge - Tory Burch Patent Sandals |
LV Wallet from Six Star Replica - only $89!! |
Gucci tote from Six Star Replica - $200 (I've had this one for about 5 years) |
Tory Burch inspired necklace from Accessory Auctions on Facebook. Love this!! |